Effluent Treatment Plant Process & Flow Diagram
Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is a Wastewater Treatment process and is designed to treat industrial, commercial, & residential wastewater by removing contaminants (toxins, bacteria, wastewater, & sludge) from it for making them reusable and its safe disposal into the environment.

Process of Effluent Treatment Plant:-
ETP takes untreated wastewater as input(influent) and produces effluent as the output of this untreated wastewater and also extracts valuable substances from effluent. It runs through various steps for its successful working such as Equalisation, pH Control, Coagulation, Sedimentation, Filtration, Disinfection, & Sludge Drying.
Why is Treatment of Effluents Required?
In today’s world, the quality of industrial & commercial wastewater is increasing very rapidly and causing environmental pollution, contaminating our natural resources, and many types of harmful diseases. The government also takes some strict action against this issue and makes it mandatory for every industry to establish ETP Plants for treating their wastewater and make it reusable or disposed of safely into rivers, ponds, lakes, or any natural facility without causing any pollution.
Flow Diagram Of ETP Plant:-

The design of an effluent treatment plant mainly depends on industry and site as shown in the above design. Important factors considered during designing ETP are traits of the site(soils, topology, geology, hydrology, climate) and wastewater. Treated & Untreated effluent requirements are also considered in designing the wastewater treatment plant process.
Applicable areas of ETP:-
- Food and processing industries
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Tannery & Paper industries
- Textile and dye industry
- Dairy and Beverage industries
- Paint Industry
- Chemical Industries, etc.
Advantages of Effluent Treatment Plant:-
- ETP converts wastewater into clean & safe water.
- It saves our money.
- It protects our environment from pollution.
- It protects humans from various diseases caused by wastewaters.
- ETP helps in minimizing waste.
- It saves water by recycling the old or polluted water.
- It helps in safely disposing of wastewater into the environment.
- ETP eliminates the need to transport clean water.
Our Services:-
We Kelvin Water Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has 15+ years of remarkable experience in providing the best end-to-end Water, Wastewater treatment services globally. Our ETP purifies wastewater for its successful reusing and releases safe water into the environment by using physical, chemical, biological, and membrane processes to get the best possible results from effluent treatment.